An advisory article titled "We Should Do Our Best to Avoid Hospitalization for Any Reason" published in Pacific Daily News on October 31, 2020 (Guam time):
A nutritionist with solid experience in public health (本著我的「營養保健」與「公共衛生」兩種專業,在此跟大家分享資訊) |Contact:
Monday, November 2, 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
Nutrition | Vitamin D & Probiotic Are Clinically-proved Adjuvants to Help COVID-19 Recovery
Several clinical studies with nutritional ingredients on COVID-19 have been published in scientific journals. They proved that vitamin D and probiotic could be helpful when patients try to get recovered from COVID-19.
Vitamin D
In a newly published clinical study carried out in Spain, researchers gave calcifediol, an active form of vitamin D, to 50 people hospitalized with COVID-19. All of 76 patients were treated equally with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, but another group of 26 patients didn’t receive vitamin D. Only one (2%) of the patients treated with vitamin D ended up in the intensive care unit, while 13 (50%) of the untreated patients did.
In addition, of the 13 patients admitted to the ICU, two died and the remaining 11 were discharged. Of the patients treated with calcifediol, none died, and all were discharged, without complications.
study published in the October issue of the The Journal of Steroid
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Ref.1).
Researchers from the University of Córdoba, Spain, studied 76
patients admitted to Reina Sofia University Hospital for COVID-19.
Their findings suggest that calcifediol (three doses, in this study —
.532 mg on day one, .266 mg on days three and seven) could reduce the
severity of COVID-19 infection and lower the risk of complications.
A clinical study in Italy showed probiotics helped reduce COVID-19 symptoms in 7 days and also avoid severe illness that might require intensive care (Ref. 2).
The study enrolled seventy COVID-19 patients, hospitalized between March 9 and April 4, 2020 at Sapienza University of Rome. These patients had a fever and required non-invasive oxygen therapy. 42 of them received hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics and tocilizumab, alone or in combination. The other group of 28 patients received the same therapy added with an oral probiotic supplement.
Around 90% of 28 patients in the “probiotic” group actually showed remission of symptoms, including diarrhea, in 3 days. The percentage reached 100% on the seventh day while the one in the control group was lower than 50%.
The estimated risk of developing respiratory failure in patients treated with the oral probiotic supplement was eight times lower than those in the control group, according to the odds ratio statistics. The prevalence of ICU usage and mortality were both higher among patients who were not treated with the probiotic formula.
Dr. Giancarlo Ceccarelli, a specialist in infectious diseases at the university, told the media that “Our preliminary results evidenced on improved survival rate and a lower risk of transfer to an intensive resuscitation for patients supplemented with the probiotic compared with those on standard treatment only.”
Low Vitamin D Level is a Risk Factor
The University of Chicago’s research published in September actually showed vitamin D's possible role in COVID-19 prevention. Subjects with sufficient vitamin D status had a lower risk for getting tested positive (Ref.3).
In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relative risk of testing positive for COVID-19 was 1.77 times greater for patients with likely deficient vitamin D status compared with patients with likely sufficient vitamin D status, a difference that was statistically significant.
In May, the cross-national analysis published by British researchers and Northwestern University both showed a significant relationship between low average vitamin D levels and the higher number of COVID19 cases, particularly COVID-19 mortality rates, per head of population. (Ref. 4)
Saturday, September 26, 2020
To the world | 14-day Quarantine Before Trip
If visitors would be totally free after 14-day quarantine on arrival, it seems reasonable to have them do quarantine for 14 days in their home countries before they depart and then allow them to enjoy themselves from the very first day of their trip.
My idea about “14-day quarantine before your trip” actually means you did not have any COVID-19 related sickness during the 14 days prior to your trip, and the practical way could be to have your physician issue you a health certificate to prove your health of “the 14 days before your trip”. I think we should trust the credibility of physicians in certain countries, for example, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. We could ask for a negative testing result on top of the “14-day” health certificate if we prefer a testing result to comfort us.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Nutrition | Researches We Should Know During the Pandemic
Several human nutrition researches specifically focusing on COVID-19 have been published in scientific journals. They gave people a good direction regarding how to integrate nutrition to the response to the pandemic and stay well.
Vitamin D
The University of Chicago’s research published in September showed convincing effectiveness of vitamin D on COVID-19 prevention. Subjects with sufficient vitamin D status had a lower risk for getting tested positive (Ref.1).
In this cohort study of 489 patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19 testing, the relative risk of testing positive for COVID-19 was 1.77 times greater for patients with likely deficient vitamin D status compared with patients with likely sufficient vitamin D status, a difference that was statistically significant.
Overall, 71 participants (15%) tested positive for COVID-19. In multivariate analysis, testing positive for COVID-19 was associated with increasing age up to age 50 years (relative risk, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.01-1.09; P = .02); non-White race (relative risk, 2.54; 95% CI, 1.26-5.12; P = .009), and likely deficient vitamin D status (relative risk, 1.77; 95% CI, 1.12-2.81; P = .02) compared with likely sufficient vitamin D status.
In May, the cross-national analysis published by British researchers and Northwestern University both showed a significant relationship between low average vitamin D levels and the higher number of COVID19 cases, particularly COVID-19 mortality rates, per head of population. (Ref. 2)
A clinical study in Italy showed probiotics helped reduce COVID-19 symptoms in 7 days and also avoid severe illness that might require intensive care (Ref. 3).
The study enrolled seventy COVID-19 patients, hospitalized between March 9 and April 4, 2020 at Sapienza University of Rome. These patients had a fever and required non-invasive oxygen therapy. 42 of them received hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics and tocilizumab, alone or in combination. The other group of 28 patients received the same therapy added with an oral probiotic supplement.
Around 90% of 28 patients in the “probiotic” group actually showed remission of symptoms, including diarrhea, in 3 days. The percentage reached 100% on the seventh day while the one in the control group was lower than 50%.
The estimated risk of developing respiratory failure in patients treated with the oral probiotic supplement was eight times lower than those in the control group, according to the odds ratio statistics. The prevalence of ICU usage and mortality were both higher among patients who were not treated with the probiotic formula.
Dr. Giancarlo Ceccarelli, a specialist in infectious diseases at the university, told that “Our preliminary results evidenced on improved survival rate and a lower risk of transfer to an intensive resuscitation for patients supplemented with the probiotic compared with those on standard treatment only.”
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
To Guam & the world | Protect the vulnerable, develop testing and tracing, and don't put faith in lockdowns
An opinion letter was published in Marianas Business Journal on September 7, 2020 (Guam time).
While most people around the world are still worried about
the rising number of COVID-19 cases, the analysis based on statistics of
EuroMOMO, The European Mortality Monitoring Activity, has actually shown that
COVID-19 did not cause more deaths than the mortality rate projection for 2020,
especially in countries that responded well.
EuroMOMO is the official body monitoring EU member states’
mortality data. Their analysis in the end of April, when the pandemic still
looked bad in Europe, has already shown the deaths from COVID-19 did not make
the total mortality be over the projected normal range in Germany, Austria,
Greece, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Even in Sweden, with a controversial
“no-lockdown” strategy, its death toll number was still under the extremely
high excess mortality.
COVID-19 became a frightening killing bug of the new decade
right after it was emerging in China mainly because the coronavirus is in the
same family with SARS and MERS. However, the comparison of case fatality rate
(CFR), which is the ratio of deaths from a certain disease to the total number
of people diagnosed with this disease for a certain period of time, actually
showed SARS had a CFR of around 10%, MERS killed 34%, and a collaboration of
Hong Kong University and Harvard University in February estimated the CFR of
COVID-19 would be around 1.4%. The latest data from Singapore, 27 deaths out of
55,938 cases found by its aggressive testing and contact tracing protocols,
indicated a CFR of 0.48%, which is getting closer to a seasonal flu’s CFR 0.1%.
The key is absolutely to well respond to the pandemic with
proper strategies. When Singapore government decided to reopen the country
after a two-month lockdown on June 2, the city state, with 6 million residents,
had reported over 35,000 COVID-19 cases and 24 deaths. As of August 14, its
total confirmed cases were over 55,000, which means 20,000 increase after
reopening, but Singaporeans have switched their focus to watching
hospitalization rate, instead of paying too much attention to daily testing results,
and the death toll therefore increased 3 only during the period.
On the same day, August 14, when Guam’s cumulative COVID-19
cases reached 500, there were 8 patients who were hospitalized. This number was
actually four times higher than the hospitalization rate two weeks ago, which
was 2 hospitalized patients only on July 31. It has even jumped to 45 on August
31. It's two times higher than the record-high hospitalization rate during
Guam's first lockdown, which was 21 hospitalized COVID-19 patients on April 6
when the confirmed cases were just over 100.
The increase certainly needs to be taken seriously. However,
do not forget the hospitalization number did go down to zero on July 23 after
the island lifted the restrictions on Mother’s Day. There is no doubt that the
majority of Guam residents have been doing their part to avoid infections and
severe illness and Guam’s medical community has done a great job to treat
patients and save lives in the past several months although many people have
been thinking the medical capacity on Guam is relatively weak. Obviously, It is
very important that we keep living the healthy new normal and our government
keeps supporting our medical heroes to help our island get through it together.
The new normal is not a guess, or a theory only. A number of
solid research findings have actually proved that there are effective
protection measures helping people live with the coronavirus in the long run.
For example, a research article published on June 11 in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science analyzed data from three epicenters - Wuhan
(China), Italy and New York City - and proved that mandated face covering
“alone” significantly reduced the number of COVID -19 infections. The researchers
concluded that this inexpensive practice, in conjunction with simultaneous
social distancing, quarantine, and contact tracing, represents the most likely
fighting opportunity to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.
There are, of course, studies showing lockdowns help as well.
However, the excess death analysis based on EuroMOMO’s data, mentioned earlier,
proved that the strictness of a country’s lockdown measures had little
associations with its fatality of COVID-19. These analysis concluded that it’s
better to respond quickly, with proper testing and tracing protocols, rather
than relying on strict lockdowns.
The biggest myth about lockdown is to believe it is the only
solution when the epidemic gets worse. In fact, lockdown is a measure to lock
the seriously-affected area in order to protect people in other areas. When
SARS hit Taiwan 17 years ago, the health authority there locked a hospital
where a serious nosocomial infection occurred to protect the community
outsides. When Wuhan became a miserable epicenter of China in January, Chinese
government issued a lockdown order in Wuhan to avoid the coronavirus’ further
spreading to other cities and provinces. The price the whole world had
paid for the chaotic restrictions was the collapse of supply-chains
happening in the second quarter. It sadly led to many frontline medical
personnel being forced to fight the coronavirus without personal protective
equipment (PPE).
When new cases are emerging, it is time everybody should be
told that there are not any “coronavirus free” places in the world and we are
inevitably going to live with the coronavirus for a while. Only a sustainable
strategy can help us carry on together.
The US CDC Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report on July 24
emphasized, again, that older adults and those with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or obesity
are at higher risk for severe COVID-19-associated illness. An estimated
prevalence of any of five underlying medical conditions, mentioned above, among
US adults was 47.2%. The percentage could be higher in more rural areas like
Guam, especially of diabetes and obesity.
The most relevant measure is therefore to protect the
vulnerable, including the elderly and people with those underlying medical
conditions, from the risk for severe illness, and watch those who ignore
response advice and continue high-risk behaviors. Don’t forget the coronavirus
has such a highly contagious nature and the aggressive testing and contact
tracing policies will definitely dig more infections. Paying too much attention
to daily testing results is just causing panic and very likely to result in a
chaotic response.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
To Guam | Hospitalization Rate, Not Daily Test Results, Is Important to Watch
An analysis article titled "Hospitalization Rate, Not Daily Test Results, Is Important to Watch" published in Pacific Daily News on August 19, 2020 (Guam time).
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Nutrition | Clinical Study: Probiotics Reduce COVID-19 Symptoms & Prevent Severe Illness
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Monday, July 13, 2020
To the world | Only Sustainable Measures Can Curb COVID-19
Friday, July 3, 2020
To Guam | Don't Let Negative Result Bring Fake Relief
Friday, May 22, 2020
To the world | Taiwan, Sweden showing the world
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Nutrition | What Foods Help You Stay Away From Virus' Harm?
Friday, April 24, 2020
To the US | Study Germany’s and Taiwan’s Success to Form a Reopening Strategy
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
To Taiwan | 給海軍一個機會 好好向美軍學習
Monday, April 13, 2020
To Europe | The EU should learn lessons from Germany’s coronavirus protocols so life can return to normal
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
To Guam | When Guam's Total COVID-19 Cases Were Over 100
Sunday, March 22, 2020
To Guam | Thoroughly follow flu prevention measures with coronavirus
Friday, March 20, 2020
To Guam | What Happened to You Last Flu Season?
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
To world leaders | Trump should be more confident in the US’ coronavirus response
To Guam | New coronavirus epidemic could calm down in a week